Sunday, November 02, 2008

Penang General Hospital

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone,

Got back home on Friday night after my forth chemo. Intended to post something but I felt too tired and went straight to bed. Yesterday, I felt very weak and slept all day. Alhamdulillah, today I feel a lot better and able do compose another post.

After my first operation in April, I stayed in Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Star for 24 days. Then, for my second operation in August, I was warded for 34 days. My stay in the hospital was ok. I can't really find anything to fret about. So, when I was informed that I had to stay in the Penang GH through out my radiation and chemo therapies, I was sort of looking forward to it thinking the condition would be more or less the same.

On the first day, I was placed in the oncology ward, along with 20 other patients of both sexes and various conditions. Some were critical and dying. During the night, you could hear voices groaning and moaning in pain. It freaked me out. Most of the patients are undergoing chemo therapy. There was no air cond, just the fans and it got really warm during the day. There are three common shower rooms and three toilets to be shared among the male and female patients. To make it worse, patients with skin diseases are also placed in the same ward. Eventhough they have a shower room and a toilet separated from the rest, there was no way to be sure that they don't use the other shower rooms and toilets. Thats what bothered me the most. I mean when you are under radiation and chemo therapies, your immune system is at the weakest and you can get infected rather easily.

On the second day, I requested to be transferred to the first class ward but was turned down because they said that since I'll be doing chemo, I have to stay at the oncology ward for easy monitoring. I was really not happy about it because as I saw it, staying in the ward is not going to make anyone better. On the 4th day, I was informed that I could go to the first class ward with a condition that I have to come back to the oncology ward for the chemo. Of course I did not argue about the fact that my request to be transferred in the first place was flatly turned down. It was a pleasant surprise. I was so relieved and quickly packed my things and went to the first class ward.

I was placed in a 2 bedded room with an elderly lady who was looked after by her grand daughter. As soon as I settled in the ward, a nurse came and gave a briefing on the dos and the don'ts. One of the groundrules is that I could bring someone to accompany but it has to be a she because it is a female ward. Then, I started noticing that the girl who stayed with my roomate had her boyfriend there all the time. I could not help wondering why nothing was done about it. I brought that up to the nurses but was informed that they could not do anything about it. The boy just refused to budge and even slept there with the girl. If it was in Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, that boy would have been chased out in no time. If the nurses can't implement the rules, what are the rules for and who are responsible to ensure that the rules are enforced??

Anyway, that lady completed her treatment and she left last friday, phew! Or else I would have to request for another room, wouldn't I? the way, I am already halfway through my treatment and my hair is still intact and my mouth is not as sore as before. However, I am still fighting with the phlegm in my mouth. Many people say that from now on, the level of suffering from the side effects will either stay the same or go downhill. In other words, I should feel better after this. Now, that is something to look forward to...

Will write again, soon...

Bye, for now.


"Life is too short, but intend to grow old gracefully"


NK Valli said...

Hang in there Sharifah. It is all about managing whatever effects of the treatment. With your strong willpower you will find ways to deal with them.

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah,Sharifah dah kuat kembali. Semuga terus kuat dan berlapang dada dengan keadaan diri.

Kak Sari

Anonymous said...

Once a friend said, Malaysian rules are meant to be brokenesp by the same person that made them!!! If not they are not Malaysian rules.
... remember lately the news about the august house were full of smoke ...??
Anyway, even with those uncomfortable experience (hope the minister concern reads your blog) it it good to sense that your are still in your up beat self....

Anonymous said...

I pray the best for strong ok...

Anonymous said...

Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.