Salam to all!
Beberapa hari yang lalu, beberapa pelajar saya datang melawat saya di rumah. Mereka adalah terdiri dari pelajar yang saya seringkali tegur dan telinga mereka saya tarik kerana pelbagai sebab. Kedatangan mereka betul2 menceriakan saya. Mereka bertanyakan bermacam2 soalan. Antaranya ialah:
-bagaimana cikgu makan?
-cikgu rasa sakit tak?
-cikgu akan mengajar lagi tak?
Sebenarnya, soalan-soalan ini seringkali ditanya oleh sesiapa saja yang datng melawat saya. Apabila saya menjawab secara lisan, komen yang pertama ialah, "eh! boleh cakaplah". Rupa2, kebanyakan orang yang mendengar tentang penyakit saya sangkakan saya telah menjadi bisu. Saya boleh bercakap tetapi tidak sejelas mereka yang mempunyai lidah tetapi masih boleh difahami. Tentang sama ada saya akan kembali mengajar, mungkin tidak sebab saya bercadang untuk melibatkan diri dalam bidang penyelidikan. Niat saya itu sudah pun ada sebelum saya mendapat penyakit ini. Dari segi makan pula, saya terpaksa menggunakan otot-otot mulut yang lain untuk menolak makanan ke kerongkong. Agak susah, tapi saya rasa semakin mudah apabila dilakukan berulang kali. Deria rasa memang kurang. Tapi masih boleh rasa sedikit. Oleh itu, saya bersyukur sebab Allah tidak tarik kesemua nikmatnya yang kebanyakan kita take for granted.
"Life is Too Short"
Assamualaikum Kak Pah
Heard about your blog from Hizzad's sms. Keep up the high spirit and our doa is for you. Will be waiting to hear when you are up and about because I know what a fighter you are!
Looking forward to reading more on your blog.
Tip and Suhaimi
Assalamulaikum, both of you,
Thank you very much for your doa. Insyaallah I will be up and about soon! So encouraging to hear from u again. I will not allow myself to be run down by this disease.
Kak Pah
I got the news from Hizzad. So, I hear that you are going into research. In what area is that going to be? A friend once told me that "The essence of life and living is always about seeking for the truth. But we can only seek for the truth if we can put our heart on the right path. And the right path is the one that will lead you to Allah SWT, the Almighty and Sustainer." I believe in those words so much that they have become my personal mantra.
Take care my friend. May Allah Bless you always.
The research I would like to do will be related to the education line, specifically on the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English. I feel strongly about it because I have been a facilitator for various courses attended by the Science and Maths teachers.
Thank you very much for your advice.
May Allah bless you.
"Life is too short"
The research I would like to do will be related to the education line, specifically on the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English. I feel strongly about it because I have been a facilitator for various courses attended by the Science and Maths teachers.
Thank you very much for your advice.
May Allah bless you.
"Life is too short"
Dear Tip,
Please email your number to me.
"Life is too short"
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