When I was first diagnosed for having oral cancer, the first question asked by the doctor was "Do you take betel leave(sireh)?". The next question was "Do you smoke?". And the third was "Do you drink (liquor)?". Well, of course the answer to the three questions is none of the above. Age wise, I am considered too young to have oral cancer, because most of the time, oral cancer strikes people at the age of 55 and above. So, I am proud to say that I was the youngest patient with oral cancer in the ward. When people ask me, why I got the cancer, the only answer I could think of is "kena loteri", or "I hit the jackpot". It can happen to anybody. However, according to the doctor, if your answer is "yes" to any of the three questions above, you are in the high risk group of getting it. Believe me, once you get it there is no way you can get back the quality of life you enjoyed before. As for me, being able to eat and be understood is already a blessing for I know that there are many oral cancer patients who have to have their stomachs inserted with feeding pegs (a peg is kind of tube) to enable them to stay nourished because they can't take food orally and speak at all.
"Syukur Alhamdulillah'
"Life is too short"
Kak pah!
Wa caya lu
Wa impress sangat dengan lu punya semangat inikan lagi siap boleh start documenting segalanye.
Setelah membaca, gua teringat lu memang seorang individual yg sangat sangat tabah sampai gua takut nak ngorat lu dolu2 (oops terbabas pulak) I tot I selitkan kan my humor sikit.
Dear family members don't take offence on that earlier prank as it is merely a little gesture to remind your mom how naughty her friends are or rather how naughty this particular friend is.
I better quit before anyone think I'm am induced with a little hint of halucinating agent. Look forward to more reading here. Will surely visit again!
Dear Harun,
Wa document this episode of my life sebab bukan semua orang dapat peluang macam ni. I think its very important for everyone of us to get to know this disease.
Tak sangka lu ada hati nak ngorat wa dolu. ingatkan wa sorang sj syok kat lu (aiseh, terlajak pulak) ha.. ha..
Thanx for visiting my blog. You are welcome to come back and pen down your humor again.
"Life is too short"
What's your address? Tengok la weekend ni, insyaAllah I'll drop by to kacau you.
I lost your phone # and many others' when my hp lingkup.
Take care.
What do you call a doctor who is always on the telephone?
An ON-CALLogist.
Kak Pah
I know it is an experience that would not only have an impact on you and your family but to everyone in this world. We always say that Allah works in mysterious ways. I am truly impressed that in trying times like this, you still have the strength to smile and laugh about it. I guess that's what courage is all about. With spirit such as this only Allah will reward you with His Blessings. Allah takes something away and with all perserverance instilled within you, Allah will replace it with something greater.
Hang in there my friend. We could only lend you our support and our doa will always be with you.
Dear Harun,
Whats your number? Email to me your number please.
"Life is too short"
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