Sunday, May 17, 2009

What's next?

Hi again,

I went for my follow up appointment last Monday. The doc was really happy with my progress. My weight has increased to 45 kg from 44 kg last month. Things are really looking good so far. While waiting for my turn, a doctor came by and asked how things were to which I responded all was well. She then told me that she read about what I’ve gone through in a magazine. ( Al-Islam magazine, Apr issue) Yea, forgot to blog about that. These folks from the Al-Islam magazine stumbled upon my blog and contacted me and asked for my permission to publish my story in the magazine. So, I gave my okay because the whole idea is to share my experience because like I said earlier, oral cancer is among the deadliest types of cancer but not widely known. Many people think that when you are young, don’t smoke, don’t drink or don’t chew betel leaves, you are ruled out from getting oral cancer. Well, cancer has a mind of its own….

My two year full pay cancer vacation (leave) has been approved. The approved holiday started on 1st Jan 2008 and will end on the 1st Jan 2010. So, that gives me another 7 months of vacation. What will I do by then? Teaching, no, does not look promising with my slurring speech. The thing is I kind of enjoy being a full time housewife and mother without having to burden my mind with the schoolwork which can be very, very demanding. When I look back, I can’t imagine how I could tolerate the stress from a teaching job for 17 years; teaching 6 periods a day (means walking from one side to the other side of the building or climbing up and down 3 to 4 floors 2 or 3 times daily), having to write record book every day, attending meetings endlessly, students’ discipline problems and not to mention the ever increasing workload. I think teaching is a messy job because you have to please a lot of parties; students, colleagues, parents, administration, etc, etc Could that be a reason for me getting the cancer?? I was told by a nurse the other day, that many cancer patients nowadays are teachers …hmm

Bye, for now.

"Never stop fighting"

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